Reduction of complications after surgery

recovery and successful results of your plastic surgery will on the efforts you put towards preparing for the plastic surgery. After doing your research, making decision, analyzing cost and booking an appointment, their are guidelines you’ll have to keep in mind before the surgery. In this article, we shall look at how to get prepared for Plastic Surgery.  

Before the surgery, their are medicine you’ll have to take, and avoid some. Their are habits you’ll have to stop, and adopt some. You will recover very well if you start planning for the surgery early enough. The following guidelines are important for a speedy recovery: 

Avoid Advil, Naprosyn, ASA, aspirin, Vioxx and Endorphin for three weeks before surgery to minimize bruising and bleeding. You can use Tylenol.  

It’s also advisable to stop smoking or reduce as much as you can before the surgery. The scar is more noticeable when it takes time to heal. Nicotine slows down healing thus increasing scar formation.  

It’s important to eat a healthy diet.  

Two weeks before surgery, you should stop taking homeopathic or naturopathic medications. Take a shower before surgery and wash thoroughly with soap. Don’t eat anything hours before the surgery.  

There should be an adult looking after you after the surgery, as you will be having anesthesia which takes some time to wear off.  


By following these guidelines, you’ll reduce the chances of getting any complications and get better surgical results Lipo Suction MN .